January 22, 2012

Ethiopia and the International Monetary System

Modern history shows Mussolini invading Ethiopia in 1935 backed by the Vatican. US & Russia refused to honer Mussolini's claim of power. The Italians occupied the land, building roads to migrate their Citizens to the Ethiopian Plataeu until 1941 when Britain backed an army of civilians and returned Emperor Selassie to his throne. The atrocities of this war are unimaginable. Let's take a closer look st Selassie.

"When the facts of history are written Haile Selassie of Abyssinia will go down as a great coward who ran away from his country to save his skin and left the millions of his countrymen to struggle through a terrible war that he brought upon them because of his political ignorance and his racial disloyalty." (Garvey, 1937)

"Rather than being interested in reform, Selassie was interested in 'development'. This allowed him to appeal for funds to help this process. To this end hospitals, bridges, factories etc. were built, all bearing the name of the emperor. But as the money poured into Ethiopia much of it was misappropriated by Selassie and hundreds of millions of dollars found their way into his personal bank accounts. The West, however, continued to back Selassie, who they regarded as a bulwark against 'communism' in Africa."http://libcom.org/user/stefan

So far, this guy doesn't sound so great.  But how was his relationship with The International Monetary Fund? I decided to follow the money trail as an exercise in filtering my own personal truth while understanding history. I compiled my findings and opinions in the embedded slideshow below. This Rabbit Hole turned out to be more interesting than I had expected. I hope this inspires people to look at everything happening in the World from a personal and realistic perspective.

 "Rabbit where'd you put the keys girl?
And the man with the golden gun
Thinks he knows so much...."
Cornflake Girl Tori Amos

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