Since the beginning of Human Politics, Men have been sending sex workers over to their opponents chambers to get secrets out of them for the purpose of winning wars and gaining power. Servant girls were used to get secrets from Kings, the local brothel was a hot bed of espionage. Cambridge Analyica's CEO Alexander Nix was caught on tape selling this as a service to undercover investigators just recently. Honey Traps (AKA Honey Pots) have been the preferred method for spies to gain secrets forever, it seems. So much so, You would think people in power were keep their DNA to themselves just so they wouldn't be caught in the trap, but sadly, they don't.
Trump has been officially been spreading his seed since He hit puberty. EWWWW....
Stormy Daniels is a very successful sex worker. She is not shy about it. She isn't just in front of the camera. She produces, writes and stars in porn videos. Her continuously expanding network is quite large. I consider her an extremely savvy business woman in her trade. In her 60 minutes interview she reiterates, she is not a victim, the sex was consensual. Hey, much respect. The bigger issue with Stormy Daniels is intimidation, illegal use of campaign funds and thuggish behavior by people in power. This is why we will see more of Stormy Daniels and why Trump hasn't tweeted her name with a cute little insult about looks or intelligence. It's also why Trump spent Saturday night with his attorney Michael Cohen at Mar-A- Largo discussing strategy.
I have way more respect for Stormy than Karen McDougal who was stupid enough to think Trump loved her just because he said so. He offered her money, she turned it down and feels SO guilty for having the affair because Trump was married at the time. She called Trump a 'sweet man'. Whatever.
The more important story to Me is Russian Sex Worker Anastasia Vashukevich who claims to have 16 hours of video and audio proving collusion with Russia. In 2016, Anastasia or Nastya Rybka, spent time on a yacht with Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Deputy Prime Minister Sergy Prikhodko. Deripaska is known for creating a back channel to the Trump campaign through Paul Manafort.
So, Anastasia leaves Russia and ends up in Thailand working with a group of sex workers running sex training sessions without a work visa. She ends up in a Bankok prison awaiting trial and extradition back to Russia where she will most likely be tortured, poisoned or whatever they do in Russia to people who know too much.
She reaches out to CNN to try to exchange the 16 hours of evidence for asylum. Now, let's be clear. I do not think she will get assistance from the US Government. I'm not sure Mueller can or will save her. It appears Mueller's case is pretty rock solid with 5 American Guilty Pleas, 1 Russian and counting.
My point in all of this is sex workers have been used since the beginning of time as weapons of espionage, so Yes... I believe the sex workers. I believe Stormy Daniels. I believe Anastasia Vashukevich. I could care less about doey eyed Karen McDougal or her stupid guilt... Stop wasting our time.
Live Tweeting the Stormy interview last night was spectacular! So many funny tweets. My favorite? This gem from @wmbienes:
'Who among us hasn't had unprotected intercourse with a porn star & playmate while wife #3 (the one you had intercourse with while still married to wife #2, the woman you slept with while still married to wife #1) was home nursing child number five? #StormyDanielsDay"
This is our President. This is the man all of the evangelicals follow as if he were the next messiah coming to lead them all to redemption in the promised land. It seems to me all of these powerful men need to keep their DNA to themselves as a matter of national security.. before someone gets impeached or poisoned.
Does anyone else miss the days when The President of the United States didn't have any sex scandals? OBAMA....
So. What did We learn here today? Sex Workers are spies, Politicians need to keep their DNA to themselves and if a sociopath tells you he loves you, he doesn't. None of this has ANY place in American Politics. That's how I really feel.